Inland enterprise

What Materials We purchase


How to tell if you have ferrous metal? The easiest and most common way to figure out what kind of metal you have is by grabbing a magnet.Hint: If you don’t have a handheld magnet handy, any magnet will do – even one from your fridge.
If the magnet sticks to your metal: You have a ferrous metal, something common like steel or iron.

Looking to get the most out of your scrap steel Check out the Metal Guide


Examples of ferrous metals

  • Tin and Appliances

  • Heavy melt metals

  • Mild Steel,

  • Carbon steel,

  • Cast Iron

  • Wrought Iron

Non Ferrous

If the magnet does not stick to your metal: The metal you have is a non-ferrous metal. Many common metals, like copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel and bronze are categorized as non-ferrous metals.

Looking to get the most out of your Non Ferrous Scrap Check out the free metal guide